We offer you the freedom to carry out your main banking operations from the place where you are. It is a digital space that gives you greater agility and confidence.Download now My Bancaribe Legal Mobile Connection to carry out:o Check balanceso Consultation of movementso Consultation of authorizationso Credit line inquiryo Transfers to own accounts and to third parties in Bancaribe.o Transfers to other bankso Authorizations or rejections of operations: Payments to Suppliers Payroll payments Special Payments to Third Parties TransfersTo improve your user experience, we also offer you:o Biometric accesso Access through a personalized “login” called “Alias”, which the User himself createso Use of a dynamic key to protect operations, in the situation of the coordinateso Make Transfers without having to affiliate the beneficiaryo The confirmation of operations is included as a step prior to their procedure.o The proof of operation can be shared through the different delivery methods available on the cell phoneor And much more.For more information or support, write to us at:Atenciontiendasapp@bancaribe.com.ve